Life Saving Books is a Father/Daughter company built to change the world.

Our Mission is Clear

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Who are we?

Tia Turner


    Tia Turner is the youngest child in a family of 4 children and the only girl. Tia enjoys writing books, playing piano, singing (often to the dismay of her brothers) and playing with her cat. 

    She also loves playing with other children, and doing cartwheels, playing ball or any other sport she can try out.

Tia's Water Wish.

    Tia is very excited about the charity she started with her dad called "Tia's Water Wish". The goal of her charity is to raise enough money through the sales of her books to help provide clean drinking to a million people.

Scott Turner


    Dr. Scott Turner enjoys writing books with his daughter Tia in his spare time, as well as spending time with Tia and her 3 older brothers. He lives with his wife Lorrie and their 4 children. He enjoys reading and learning new things. Scott often reads 3 to 4 books per week in addition to his work and other projects he is involved in.  

Life Saving Books.

    Life Saving Books is a for-purpose company and was created as a way to give back to the world, and cause a movement of giving. Scott wanted to share the power of giving to his daughter Tia. "Tia's Water Wish" is just one of the ways Life Saving Books is giving back to the World-Wide community

    If this touches your heart and mind, we would be honored if you would join us on this mission.

    We hope to gather an Army of like minded people together who are willing to step up to help those in need.

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Tia's Store and More

Coming Soon!

What People are Saying.

It took us 9 months to finish writing and publishing the book… 

And we were excited about it, but not sure what other people might think.
 But we accomplished our goal and wrote a book… 
6 years old Tia Turner was now a published author.

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We are not hero’s of this story…


People like you who help Tia spread her “Water Wish” are the real hero’s…
They are “Tia’s Hero’s”, and they are my hero’s.
But we can’t do anything without people like YOU…
Are you ready to be a Hero?

These kids are waiting for a Hero...  They are waiting for YOU!

Looking for Hero’s

We are hoping that others who feel like we do will join us on our mission to provide clean drinking water to these kids.


With your help we can make this happen. We hope that an "Army of People" will join us to solve this problem.

The more we thought about it, we realized that not only will be helping provide people with clean water to drink...


But we will be saving lives! We realized that we had done more than just write a book…  We had written a Life Saving Book!

In fact, about 1 in 5 deaths of children under the age of 5 worldwide is caused by a water-related disease.

Life Saving Books

An important lesson that I wanted to share with Tia is how good it felt to help someone in need…

We looked at different ideas... One idea was to help people in poor countries get access to clean drinking water.
I explained to Tia that some kids were so poor that they had no choice but to drink dirty water.
I remember asking Tia, “Can you imagine having to walk for hours just to get dirty water that wasn't fit to drink but that was your only choice?”
Tia knew right then what she wanted to do.
That was “Tia’s Water Wish”... She wished that no child should have to drink dirty disgusting water…
And it seemed so perfect… A young child, helping another child in need... A person she will probably never meet…
A true act of kindness… Kids helping Kids.
I can't think of a better lesson that we could pass on to the next generation than this.

What People are Saying.

Tia was involved in every part of the writing and designing this book. 

Every color of every image and every word that was written or drawn was approved by Tia.


   Most nights before bed Tia would read her book aloud to me as her bedtime story. 
This allowed us to make sure it sounded like we wanted it to, and it could be read by a 5 or 6 year old.
And much to my surprise, Tia was correcting my grammar mistakes at 6 years old! 

This was such a great bonding experience for us, and I am so grateful we continued on. 

Tia’s Contribution 

The idea for writing our first book started when I (Scott) was reading a bedtime book to Tia when she was 5 years old.


I think it was “The Cat in the Hat” by Doctor Seuss.
When I finished reading the book, Tia said. “I love that book.” I looked at her and told her if we wanted we could write a book like that.
Tia looked up at me and said. “Okay”.
I said “Okay… What?”
Tia replied “Let’s write a book.”
I told Tia that I said “”We could write a book” if we wanted to…
Tia replied, “Yes.. You said we could write a book... And I want to.”
I knew right then that I had been trapped by my own words and a very bright 5 year old.
As Tia looked up at me, I realized that I had a big choice to make... What should I do?
I can still remember how I felt... My mind was spinning, and I was thinking.
How can I pull this off? How can I get the drawings done?
I didn't have any artistic talent and I didn't know the first thing about writing, publishing or marketing a book.
But I forced a smile and told her. “Okay... Let’s write a book.”
That was my first lesson for her. Commit to your goal.
I found that writing that first book had so many life lessons it blew my mind.
Goal setting, patience, asking for help, and trusting that you will find a way.
The 10 biggest lessons are included at the end of each book.

From humble beginnings:

Life Saving Books is a for purpose company with the primary goal of providing clean drinking water to 1 million people.


“Life Saving Books” was started as a father-daughter project. The original goal of writing a book was to teach life lessons.
    The most important being the Gift of Giving. 

These books are a joint effort between Scott Turner and Tia Turner to bring happiness to those in the world less fortunate than ourselves.

More about us

by Scott Turner

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Dr. Scott Turner

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