Would you like to be part of
a life-changing cause?
we want to turn PICTURES like this
into PICTURE like this
Become a Messenger!
Tia's Messengers help by telling their friends
and others about us on Social Media, or in person.
These are people who share because they care.
Earn Your Wings!
Who are Tia's Angels? And what do they do?
Tia's Angels are people from all walks of life that believe like Tia does that every life important, and it shouldn't' matter where someone was born or what color they are.
Tia's Angels donate time or money to help Tia reach her dream of providing clean drinking water to a million people on our planet who are forced to drink dirty and diseased water.
Tia's Angels believe that clean drinking water is a right... Not a privilege! And they won't stop until this mission is complete.
If you have any special skills or talents that can help us get the word out.
Click the button below.
Will you help me to help them?

Amazing and Stunning Images
An amazing 54 pages and interactive Living Book with stunning images.
Hidden Tia's
A Touch to Zoom interactive story that you will unravel just to find all the Hidden Tia's.
Free Coloring Book
You will also be receiving a free coloring pages of every image in the book
On top of that
You will be part of the solution
You will become an honorary member of Tia's army
You will know that you changed the life of someone you may have never met
You will know that you helped a young girl to reach her goal of providing Life Saving Water to 1 million people